St Leonard's Church

Fundraising and fees


What we do must be paid for. All of it must be raised by us. Before we can do anything else, we have to contribute to the cost of the invaluable clergy who minister to us (including salaries and pensions) and the wonderful medieval building in our care must be maintained and improved.

The best way

It is hugely helpful to us (so we know how much to expect and can reclaim the tax within days of each donation, if you are a UK taxpayer) for giving to be through the Parish Giving Scheme (click on the link to find out more). Forms are available at each service.

You may also give by standing orderYou can print off a form here to send to your bank [please tell Mike Newton: The Dairy, Lower Farm, Glapthorn, PE8 5BE; tel: 275243] and a covenant form here [please send or give it to Mike Newton].

If you prefer to give cash when collections are taken at services, and are a UK taxpayer, please use the yellow envelopes which are in the pews so that the tax can be reclaimed.

The 100 Club

There is a draw on the last Friday of the month in the Royal Oak. The prize is equivalent to about 25% of the monthly income (except for Christmas when the prize is £100).

Members can pay their subscriptions of £2 per month annually by cheque or cash, or by a monthly standing order (please opt for the last of these - it saves on administration and chasing). The year runs from 1 December to the 30 November. Please contact Sonya Moss.

The amount raised goes towards the general maintenance and fabric of the church.

The club complies with the Small Society Lottery Registration provisions of the Gambling Act 2005.

Sponsoring the floodlights

The floodlights contribute importantly to the perception of the presence of the church in the village. For whatever you choose to contribute, you can sponsor them to mark a forthcoming event or in memory of family member or friend. Unless you don't want it, a card on the noticeboard will acknowledge the sponsorship and say what it is for.


The table of Church of England fees for baptisms, marriages, funerals, burials, and monuments is here. There will probably be other costs. Please contact the parish office.

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